[ stir-kuh ] meaning strength in Old Norse.
The Styrkr sports fuel range is the culmination of many months of research and development with one clear focus: to help everyday athletes reach their next endurance goal.
Our goals
We are committed to innovation and we aim to improve performance by introducing supplements that are specifically designed to give athletes more energy and combat fatigue, whatever their diet.

What we believe in
We believe that we can help all athletes, amateur or professional alike, reach and breach their next endurance goals.
Amateur athletes aren’t that amateur anymore.
We want to go faster and further and we have the technology and the desire to help us do it. We have everything at our disposal to redefine our limits and reach our next goal.
We understand we are one small part of an athlete’s arsenal. Going beyond your limits is a test of mind, body, and soul.

Being supported by science
All Styrkr drinks, gels and salts have been specifically engineered to produce unique effects in the body – specifically, the bloodstream – that reduce overall fatigue and energy expenditure while maintaining power and increasing output throughout endurance activity.
We worked with leading experts during the development of the Styrkr range. Our partners at the University of Hull are in the process of scientifically evaluating our products and our pioneering PlasmaTechTM and we’re expecting a paper to be produced. We’ll report our findings as we get them.

Being passionate about high product quality
Styrkr has been designed to give you extra when you need it most whilst saving weight and improving efficiency which is especially beneficial when every second, minute and hour are critical.
We are proud to manufacture all of our amazing products in the UK at market leading value. With our state of the art research and development facilities we are committed to constant progression and continuous improvement of our products.
Meet the founder
Styrkr has been a passion-project for Christian Sanderson since 2018 when cycling stopped fitting around life and life began to fit around cycling. Disparate training sessions evolved into regimes, weekends transformed into carefully thought-out training camps and the importance of fuelling and nutrition began to really hit home.

After months of hands-on research – high-intensity activity with no support – it became obvious that the fuelling product he desired simply did not exist. Nothing really provided sustained energy levels during sustained endurance activity. Nothing really gave that extra energy boost when you craved it most. And nothing was as gentle on the stomach as it purported to be.
“Endurance sport is like nothing else: a humbling test of will and determination with ample reward. It can fill voids, change mindsets and anchor lifestyles. For those of us that approach it with passion, its influence extends throughout our lives”
We have focused heavily on cycling and running over the past twelve months, developing new products in the background to make the collection as accessible as possible for every type of athlete whether it’s a feat of endurance or your local park run.
Over the coming years we are excited to break down the barriers of other disciplines. Triathlon, swimming, hockey, football, Crossfit etc…. All sports where our products can help athletes achieve their next goal. We have a fantastic array of new products coming to market and we look forward to testing these with new and existing athletes of all disciplines.
We continue to work closely alongside Hull University and we look forward to exploring their findings and continually improving our understanding of endurance sports.
Christian's personal ambition has always been to develop products that work for him as a cyclist. We want to be able to continue that, looking for unexplored gaps in the market offering clear results in performance. Also to build a community of like minded individuals that just love exploring the outdoors, pushing their bodies and testing new boundaries.
The community of athletes we have met over the last year has been amazing. We always wanted to support grass roots participation.
All of our amazing athletes are normal people, they live normal lives.
Like us, they juggle family commitments, work and the changes of day to day life, so celebrating their amazing achievements has always been paramount for us.
Destination Next
Listen to our Podcast Destination Next. Stories of endurance from across the globe, of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Personal missions achieved without global recognition or glory. Feats of suffering without the fanfare.

Learn more about Styrkr
That is just a little about our products and innovation! To find out more here are some places to find us...